DG Shipping is designated as apex authority

“Central Government notified the Director General of Shipping as National Authority for Recycling of Ships under section 3 of the Recycling of Ships Act, 2019,” the Ministry of Shipping said in a statement. The government has notified Director General of Shipping as National Authority for Recycling of Ships, an official statement said on Thursday. DG…


What does IMO 2020 mean for my business?

Growing demand for middle distillates could result in upward price pressure on fuels such as diesel and jet fuel. Knock-on effects from the upcoming cap on sulphur emissions in marine bunker fuel could even wind up giving you a more expensive plane ticket in 2020. Get detailed analysis for your industry and sector below.


Who will be affected by IMO 2020?

The costs of ocean going freight will increase as the marine sector uses more costly fuels, which has wide reaching consequences across the global economy. The impact could be felt from mid-2019 onwards and last for a few years, as the refining and shipping sectors adapt.


What is IMO 2020?

The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has ruled that from 1 January 2020, marine sector emissions in international waters be slashed. The marine sector will have to reduce sulphur emissions by over 80% by switching to lower sulphur fuels.